Vb.net to MsAccess Information with Webcam Capture version 2 + Catch duplicate Entry
Hi and Helow, I modified some code to fix it...
Download n0w and if we have some errors or question, just leave a c0mment..
Hope this code will help you...
God bless you all mga kapatid..>(^_^)<
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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
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on mysql you can save it in
try to put the image on
Kpg p0h s f0lder pinaka path
Kpg p0h s f0lder pinaka path ung kukunin dva, s palagay k0h p0h Mem0 datatype un eh
web cam application
grabe sobrang makakatulong
cant create new
cant create new
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