How to Read and Write XML File using VB.NET
Submitted by admin on Thursday, May 3, 2012 - 20:14.
In this example you’ll learn on how to read and write into XML file using VB.NET.
XML file is useful if you want to store simple data like storing database name and server information so that your application will remember what server and or database your program is connected in last session.
An example of storing your database and server info:
Where “server” is the name of your computer that run SQL Server and “name” is the name of your database.
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <database server="server" name="POS_Data">
- </database>
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thank you very much for this medium u are using to assist me. I have been able to develop a system with 2008 and ms access. The system is a stand alone but i want it toil run on LAN network. I also want to change the database to sql server database but i don't know how to begin. I have installed management studio 2005 but i don't know how to even create database and to make it run on networks. I will appreciate any useful material and assistance. God bless you,
Visit this tutorial on how to
Visit this tutorial on how to create a database in sql server 2005:
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