100% working ....CRUD, Using OledB connection..COmplete..

Complete CREATE,READ,UPDATE AND DELETE USING MS ACCESS DATABASE... SIMPLE BUT IT IS WORKING. JUST CHANGE THE CONNECTION STRING TO ACTIVATE THE CONNECTION. gudluck sa programming Guys... Happy Codings... You may download it now then learn to use the code in you own programs

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Thank You! It's very useful for me.

thank you for sharing

Just pics inside. No thanks

public static List GetProducts() { List productList = new List(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); OleDbConnection conn = GetConnection(); OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from ProductDetails", conn); da.Fill(ds); conn.Close(); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow rows in dt.Rows) { Product product = new Product(); product.ProductID = int.Parse(rows["ProductId"].ToString()); product.ProductName = rows["ProductName"].ToString(); product.CompanyName = rows["CompanyName"].ToString(); product.Price = rows["Price"].ToString(); product.ProductAvailability = rows["ProductAvailability"].ToString(); product.ProductType = rows["ProductType"].ToString(); product.ProductDescription = rows["Description"].ToString(); product.ImageUrl = rows["ImageUrl"].ToString(); productList.Add(product); } return productList; }

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