Employee Management

Employee Management System Using PHP and MySQL with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the Employee Management System, a robust and user-friendly web application designed to simplify and streamline workforce management processes. This system is built using PHP and MySQL, offering a seamless solution for managing employee information, departments, designations, and more. Whether you're handling recruitment data, tracking employee details, or maintaining organizational

Simple Employee Records System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by skittles on
Hey guys! This is a simple project created with PHP, MYSQL, and JavaScript (jQuery and Ajax) that stores employee's personal information including their Image and any other national identity card. You can add other users to also help manage the system and assign them user roles. This simple project can help IT/CS students and self-learners learn how to create a Web Application that has CRUD

Employee Management System

Submitted by Hadiprasetyo on
This Employee Management System created to manage the employee data. This system created to record all data of the employee. You can add, edit, and delete data in this system. The other function, you can change also the password. Featured System Add new employee data Edit employee data Delete employee data Change employee password Filter employee data