
Create a dynamic NumericUpDown and button into the DataGridView.

Submitted by Thongkorn on
This article is an extension of the grid capabilities (DataGridView) which is the basic control (or component) that is attached from Microsoft. By adopting a button that increases or decreases integer values (NumericUpDown) is inserted into the grid (Between 1 - 100), but there will be something special will cause 2 events: Mouse click, click on the cell of the grid that we want, then the

Marquee Text with NumericUpDown Control in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today in C#, I will teach you how to create a program that has the marquee text functionality and has a NumericUpDown control to control the speed of the marquee text. We all know that in HTML, a marquee is a small section of the browser window that displays text that rolls across the screen. You use the MARQUEE element to create scrolling section. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.