Random Number Generator in Python
Submitted by Yorkiebar on Monday, May 26, 2014 - 09:16.
This tutorial is on how to create a random number generator in Python.
Before we begin, we first need to import the random module...
This allows us to use the random modules functions such as 'randrange' and 'randint'.
Random From Zero:
To get a random number from the beginning (zero/0), we can simply call the 'randrange' function from the random module and parse it a final/maximum value as an integer, like so...
The above code generates and outputs a random number between 0 and 100.
Random Between:
Or if we need to set a minimum value as well, we can use the 'randint' function. This function generates a random number between parameter 1 (minimum) and parameter 2 (maximum)...
The above code generates and outputs a random number between 20 and 100.
- import random
- print(random.randrange(100))
- print(random.randint(20, 100))
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