How To Create Pagination In PHP Using PDO
Submitted by alpha_luna on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 15:28.
In this article, we are going to learn on How To Create Pagination In PHP Using PDO. This work is very simple, using PHP in PDO without the use of jQuery or Ajax and it is PHP use only. You can use this to your work or projects that have a lot of data to display and to minimize the space of your one page. Enjoy Coding.
Data in the Database
This is the second page.
So, this is it, or you can download the full source code below by clicking the "Download Code" button below.
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Creating our Table
We are going to make our database. To create a database:- Open the PHPMyAdmin.
- Create a database and name it as "pagination_demo".
- After creating a database name, then we are going to create our table. And name it as "tbl_tutorials".
- Kindly copy the code below.
- --
- -- Table structure for table `tbl_tutorials`
- --
- CREATE TABLE `tbl_tutorials` (
- `tuts_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
- `tuts_title` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
- `tuts_link` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL
- --
- -- Dumping data for table `tbl_tutorials`
- --
- INSERT INTO `tbl_tutorials` (`tuts_id`, `tuts_title`, `tuts_link`) VALUES
- (1, 'How To Flip The Image', ''),
- (2, 'How To Count Number Of Vowels And Consonants', ''),
- (3, 'How To Create Converter For Decimal To Roman Numeral', ''),
- (4, 'Online Public Access Catalog For Library System', ''),
- (5, 'How To Create Registration Page In PHP/MySQL', ''),
- (6, 'How To Create Login Page In PHP/MySQL', ''),
- (7, 'How To Create Import CSV/Excel File To MySQL Database Using PHP', ''),
- (8, 'Attendance Monitoring System Using PHP', ''),
- (9, 'How To Create Registration Form In PHP/MySQL Using PDO Query', ''),
- (10, 'Search Two Dates In Data Table Using PHP', '');

Sample Source Code
Where you can set the amount of data per page to display.- <table align="center" border="1" width="100%" height="100%" id="data">
- <tr style="text-align:center; color:blue; font-size:20px;">
- <td>No.</td>
- <td>Title</td>
- <td>Action</td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_tutorials";
- $data_per_Page=5;
- $query_1 = $pagination->paging($query,$data_per_Page);
- $pagination->dataview($query_1);
- $pagination->paginglink($query,$data_per_Page);
- ?>
- </table>
This is the first page.

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