Search Address Autocomplete with Link to a Map
Submitted by alpha_luna on Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 16:00.
Search Address Autocomplete with Link to a Map
If you are looking for Search Address Autocomplete with Link to a Map then you are at the right place. We are going to use the Leaflet JavaScript library to display those places in the map automatically that the user enters their desired address to search in the Textbox. You can use this program in your website or systems for the user to search their desired location or address that they want. User enter the address or location that they want, then it will display those places in dropdown element and they can select the address that they want to, and it will appear on the map automatically.Creating Markup
Let's create markup, it consists one TextBox for the user where they can enter their desired address or location to search and our map.JavaScript Code
This script used to locate the address or location to display automatically on the map.- <script src="places.min.js"></script>
- <script>
- (function() {
- var placesAutocomplete = places({
- container: document.querySelector('#insert_Location')
- });
- var map ='map_Contatiner', {
- scrollWheelZoom: false,
- zoomControl: false
- });
- var osmLayer = new L.TileLayer(
- 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
- minZoom: 1,
- maxZoom: 13,
- attribution: 'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
- }
- );
- var markers = [];
- map.setView(new L.LatLng(0, 0), 1);
- map.addLayer(osmLayer);
- placesAutocomplete.on('suggestions', handleOnSuggestions);
- placesAutocomplete.on('cursorchanged', handleOnCursorchanged);
- placesAutocomplete.on('change', handleOnChange);
- placesAutocomplete.on('clear', handleOnClear);
- function handleOnSuggestions(e) {
- markers.forEach(removeMarker);
- markers = [];
- if (e.suggestions.length === 0) {
- map.setView(new L.LatLng(0, 0), 1);
- return;
- }
- e.suggestions.forEach(addMarker);
- findBestZoom();
- }
- function handleOnChange(e) {
- markers
- .forEach(function(marker, markerIndex) {
- if (markerIndex === e.suggestionIndex) {
- markers = [marker];
- marker.setOpacity(1);
- findBestZoom();
- } else {
- removeMarker(marker);
- }
- });
- }
- function handleOnClear() {
- map.setView(new L.LatLng(0, 0), 1);
- markers.forEach(removeMarker);
- }
- function handleOnCursorchanged(e) {
- markers
- .forEach(function(marker, markerIndex) {
- if (markerIndex === e.suggestionIndex) {
- marker.setOpacity(1);
- marker.setZIndexOffset(1000);
- } else {
- marker.setZIndexOffset(0);
- marker.setOpacity(0.5);
- }
- });
- }
- function addMarker(suggestion) {
- var marker = L.marker(suggestion.latlng, {opacity: .4});
- marker.addTo(map);
- markers.push(marker);
- }
- function removeMarker(marker) {
- map.removeLayer(marker);
- }
- function findBestZoom() {
- var featureGroup = L.featureGroup(markers);
- map.fitBounds(featureGroup.getBounds().pad(0.5), {animate: false});
- }
- })();
- </script>
This form where the user can search their desired address or location as shown in the image below.

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