Falling Leaves On A Web Page

Falling Leaves On A Web Page

In the previous tutorial, we create a Snowing On A Web Page. For the other tutorial, we are going to create Falling Leaves On A Web Page for the Falling Season. Do you like to fall season? So, let’s do this.

Set The Image

Where you can change the image after download the source code.
  1. <script>
  2. grphcs=new Array(6)
  3. Image0=new Image();
  4. Image0.src=grphcs[0]="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKXa6WMDKq8T0-XGu4psMk2GT3vruMJsWzlqxaCMqj5A3gFwX4pQ";
  5. Image1=new Image();
  6. Image1.src=grphcs[1]="http://orig07.deviantart.net/4425/f/2012/278/9/2/autumn_leaf_pixel_icon_by_embalmerjane-d5gwp19.gif"
  7. Image2=new Image();
  8. Image2.src=grphcs[2]="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKXa6WMDKq8T0-XGu4psMk2GT3vruMJsWzlqxaCMqj5A3gFwX4pQ"
  9. Image3=new Image();
  10. Image3.src=grphcs[3]="http://orig07.deviantart.net/4425/f/2012/278/9/2/autumn_leaf_pixel_icon_by_embalmerjane-d5gwp19.gif"
  11. Image4=new Image();
  12. Image4.src=grphcs[4]="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKXa6WMDKq8T0-XGu4psMk2GT3vruMJsWzlqxaCMqj5A3gFwX4pQ"
  13. Image5=new Image();
  14. Image5.src=grphcs[5]="http://orig07.deviantart.net/4425/f/2012/278/9/2/autumn_leaf_pixel_icon_by_embalmerjane-d5gwp19.gif"
  15. </script>
For the full source code, kindly click the "Download Code" button below. Thank you very much. Enjoy coding. So what can you say about this work? Share your thoughts in the comment section below or email me at [email protected]. Practice Coding. Thank you very much.


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