Windows Phone Apps

Calculator Mobile App (Android, iOS, WinPhone)

Submitted by shannah on
This is a simple demo of a functional calculator native mobile application. It is written using Codename One, and can be deployed as a native Android, iOS, Windows Phone, J2ME, BlackBerry, Web, Mac, or Windows App. The code is as follows: package com.codename1.demos.calculator; import com.codename1.ui.Button; import com.codename1.ui.Component; import com.codename1.ui.Container; import com

Microsoft to Pay Developers $100,000 for Windows Phone App

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Microsoft made a enormous offers which will pay up to $100,000 to developers to port popular apps to Windows Phone 8. The well-supported rumors started through a report in Bloomberg Businessweek's Technology section by Ashlee Vance. According to Ashlee Vance the source of the rumor came from "Silicon Valley friends." It was also confirmed by two sources contacted by Business Insider, the rumors