windows 7

Complement Graph generation of Simple Symmetric Random graph using C

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
This code generates a Simple symmetric random graph initially & then it also generates the complement graph of that graph. This is written in Dev-C++ platform. Let a simple symmetric random graph is denoted by G, then we say the complement graph will be denoted by G'. Consider G has three vertices (1, 2, 3) & egdes (a, b). a exists between 1 & 2, b exists between 2 & 3. No edge exists between 1 &

Sub-Graph generation of a Random graph

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
This is a simple source code written in C, Dev-C++ software, platform- Windows 7. It generates a Random Simple symmetric graph at first & then generates an arbitrary subgraph from that particular graph. The sub-graph may contain only one vertex of the graph as well as may contain a vertex set & edge set of that graph. Thanks.

Ohm's Law Calculator using Simple Graphics in C

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
Hello. This is a simple C source code written in Turbo C (OS- Windows 7). It can calculate the values using Ohm's Law. I also used basic of Computer Graphics in this project. Basically, it is a calculator where you have to put values with proper unit (e.g resistance in ohm, voltage in volts etc), hence it finds the result. Thanks.

Visual Basic 6.0 and Windows 7

Submitted by admin on
With the new version of Windows to be release on October 22, 2009, Microsoft Corp. made a statement that Visual Basic 6.0 is still supported. This is good news to all programmers who still use VB 6.0 as their programming language. When Windows Vista came out the number one software that I try to install is my beloved Visual Studio 6.0. In my amazement it was not supported. There was no backward