Philippines Payroll Calculator

Submitted by nostradamus1566 on
PayCal.ocx is a simple payroll component. It is designed for the Philippines Payroll market. There is a simple Vb6 test project included to try out the component. There is also an Excel spreadsheet project to demonstrate it as well. If you examine the source code of the test project it will help you to use this component in your own project. Register the component on your computer and add it to

Calculate Your Weight on Other Planets using Excel

Submitted by nostradamus1566 on
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with a user defined function in VBA to calculate you weight in kilograms, Lbs, and stone on the 8 planets MERCURY, VENUS, EARTH, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE. This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet contains a new function called YourWeightOnPlanet(p, w). p = planet name as a string. w = your weight in Kilogrammes Use the function like this: =YourWeightOnPlanet(C9, G

Simple Login using MS Access 2007

Submitted by zderick on
Hi. I'm sharing this simple Login Form which I created using MS Access. I hope this will help Access newbies to become more comfortable with the program. I'm sure there are a number of ways to do this (perhaps much better than this) but I did what I could to make this simple and straight-forward. I. Access Objects in this application: A. Table:1. tblUsers - table for application users B. Forms:1