
Picture Swapper VB6

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
Simple VB6 Application that enables to swap 2 pictures on a period of time automatically. I recommend to use 2 pictures that shows your movement to create a Frame by Frame animated effect. This shows the usage of Timer and Picture Uploading Just upload 2 pictures by clicking on the thumbnails on the upper left part of the screen

Computerized Payroll System VB6

Submitted by lnskhn on
Computerized Payroll System (Deprecated) Requirements: Visual Basic 6.0 Main Features: User-friendly System DTR (Time-in / Time-out) with History Add, Edit and Deactivate Employee Records Search Records (onChange event) Change Password, Modify Taxes/Deductions (can set taxes for specific employee) and View Employee Accounts Print Individual/All or Batch Search Payslip and many features

A Database connection with OLEDB and MS Access 2007 Database

Submitted by jeffrey on
This visual basic 6.0 is a language so very use full regarding with business, in this code is a sample of Database from a Company. if you want to know more about our company try to visit www.j2infotech.webs.com and contact our programmers, for efficiency of your business try our business solution programs. www.j2infotech.webs.com for more info. with low price that surely worth it.

Pemrograman grafis dengan VB6 by Rizky Khafitsyah (Graphics programming with VB6 by Rizky Khafitsyah)

Submitted by RizkyKhafitsyah on
ini adalah sebuah source code vb6 untuk pemrograman grafis yang sangat sederhana. Dibuat khusus untuk dipelajari. Silahkan Anda kembangkan sendiri imajinasi anda ! This is a vb6 source code for programming the graphics are very simple. Created specifically for the study. Please develop your own imagination!

Memasukkan Gambar ke dalam Form (Insert an image into a form)

Submitted by RizkyKhafitsyah on
berikut ini adalah sebuah code yang berguna untuk mengambil atau memasukkan sebuah gambar atau image ke dalam form melalui Command button. Sebenarnya ini merupakan kode dasar saja. Dibuat khusus untuk dipelajari oleh pemula :) the following is a useful code to retrieve or insert a picture or image into a form via the Command button. Actually this is the Basic code only. Created specifically for