
Registration System

Submitted by jmmaguigad on
This simple system enables the user to register and export data to excel. This code is intended for learning purposes. Enhancement of the program is up to what your response be co-sourcecodesters. So if you see that this program gives you great learning insight and you have good ideas and recommendations just post your comment and i'll make it for you. Nonetheless if you see that this program

How to use ADODC, MS Access in VB6

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
This is a simple program of inventory of stocks of a fast food chain. This is to demonstrate on how to use Adodc in connecting database from MS Access 2007, We inserted a DataGrid control to view the entire table and each field is bounded to a particular text box or combo box to show the details about the current record. You can add, edit and delete records if you want to and the login module is

Inventory System Using Adodc and DataGrid Control

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
Simple inventory of hard ware computer supplies. This program is created using visual basic 6.0 with Microsoft Access 2007 database to demonstrate the usage of Access Database and connecting it to the system by an Adodc control bounded to a datagrid. This also includes the Login system that is also conencted to user accounts from database and the splash screen has animated progress bar for loading

Computerized Inventory System Using MS Access

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
a simple inventory of school supplies. this system was created in Visual Basic 6.0 with MS Access 2007 Database. Using Adodc Control bounded to DataGrid and each field is connected to a particular textbox and combo box. Splash screen with loading from progress bar using timer and the login module is connected to users account stored in the database I created 5 variations of Inventory system, any

Computerized Inventory System using VB6

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
A simple Product Inventory management System Created using microsoft visual basic 6.0 and the database was created using microsoft access 2007.. and is connected using ADODC/Datagrid control. Adding/Editing and Deleting of records are possible and it is also capable of managing application users for system login. the splash screen has animated loading effect using progress bar and timer I created

How to use MS Access 2007 in VB6 for Patient Recording System

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
Sample Patient Record Management System that is capable of storing records of patient of a certain hospital. This application is created using visual basic 6.0 and the database is created using Microsoft Access 2007. Splash Screen is in simple design using Progress bar for animated loading of preferences (not actual loading) Login screen is connected to database records of users. Main Screen is in

Visual Basic Webpage Scraper

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: In this tutorial I will be showing you how to create a webpage scraper in Visual Basic. This can be used to gather information from certain websites through an automated process. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with a simple button (set the name to scrapeButton), a Text Box (set the name to linkURL), a Rich Text Box (set the name to srcBox) and a Web Browser (set the name to srcBrowser).

Encryption and Decryption VB6

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
Shows String manipulation on Encryption and Decryption of Text. Shows basic file input and output using Common Dialog Control Encryption is done by replacing every single character into a new one. this is used to have a secured information to negate illegal access. File encryption is done by opening the file and encrypting it, then the encrypted text of file is printed into a new file