ticketing system in PHP

Simple Bus Station Ticketing Booth System in PHP and SQLite Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
This is a Simple Bus Station Ticketing Booth System. This is a web-based application developed using PHP and SQLite Database. The application provides an automated platform that generates the bus station passengers' tickets and records the transaction. I created this simple PHP Project for educational purposes only. This has a simple user interface using the Bootstrap v5 CSS Framework and user

Ship/Ferry Ticket Reservation System using PHP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a PHP Project entitled Ship/Ferry Ticket Reservation System. This project is a web-based application that helps a certain ship/ferry port company to manage the ticket reservations of their clients. This will help them to easily encode, record, and retrieve the reservations records. It has a pleasant user interface and is easy to use. The project has printable ticket generation

Online Bus Ticket Reservation Using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

Submitted by Chritian on
The Bus Ticket Reservation System using PHP/MySQLi is my thesis, I upload this project because I want to help thus other programmers. One of the features of this project is it has a seat inventory feature, in which you cannot reserve the seat that has been already reserve with others. This system allows the customer or the passenger to instantly reserve their bus ticket and has a simple printable