
C# - Student & Lecture Test Application (Using Database)

Submitted by Gopolang Kopan… on
This application was developed by Gopolang Kopano Mathole using visual studio 2013.. Features: - Databases (files as fallback) - Flat UI designs & material designs. - Easy to navigate app. - Login/Register pages (both read and writes to a file). - Backend classes. - Secure files stream, and all exceptions handled. - Save tests and keep students class records (including marks). Functionality: - The

Network Programming in Java - #3 - Creating a Test Client

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the third in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series in which we are creating a test client to connect to our test server. Previous: In the previous tutorial we created a test server. IMPORTANT: A) Your server and client can not be running at the same time, in Eclipse, in the same Java Project.

Network Programming in Java - #2 - Creating a Test Server

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the second in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series in which we are creating a test server. Previous: In the previous tutorial we downloaded the KryoNet files and set up our projects. Test Server: So first, create a new file called Main (can be whatever you like) and add the following imports...

How to Create a Question and Answer (QA) Revision Program in Visual Basic

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a revision tool in Visual Basic. It will load a list of Questions and Answers (separated by a ":") and test you on the questions. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to do a couple of things: Create a form with... Label4 - Current Question Button1 - Load QA List Button2 - Start Questions Button3 - Check Answer Textbox1 - Enter Answer Create