
Introduction to javax.swing Library. A Simple Notepad Application. Part 2

Submitted by pavel7_7_7 on
This is the second part of the A Simple Notepad Application tutorial. In this article you will see, how all the functions of the text editor are implemented. So, we continue our work on the text editor. We have the graphical user interface. First step to implement the functionality is to add shortcut keys to every menu item. We will ise for this KeyAdapter.

Introduction to javax.swing Library. A Simple Notepad Application. Part 1

Submitted by pavel7_7_7 on
In this article I'll describe how to create a simple Notepad application using javax.swing library. Now, you know how to create java projects in Eclipse. So, we will create a new project, called coolReader. First of all, I'll show you the structure of the project: structure So, the project consists of 3 classes and a set of images, used to create some buttons. Now,we wil speak about coolReader class. This class is the class, that has the full implementation of the GUI and event handling.

Introduction to javax.swing Library

Submitted by pavel7_7_7 on
In this tutorial you will find a step by step guide about creating your first Java Application with Graphical User Interface using Eclipse IDE. Swing library is one of the most used libraries to create applications with Graphical User Interface (GUI). This library has a large set of different GUI components. We will start from the simplest application - "Hello World!" application.
  1. Open the Eclipse IDE. Choose "File" -> "New" -> "Project" from menu.