sign up

Animated Log In and Sign Up Form Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the interactive world of the Animated Log In and Sign Up Form! This project represents a fusion of modern web technologies—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—crafted to elevate user experience while registering or logging into an account. Embracing fluid animations, intuitive design, and seamless transitions, this form beckons users into a captivating journey of digital interaction. Within this

Creating a Simple Sign Up Form with Validation in PHP/MySQLi Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial will show you how to create a simple sign-up form with validation using PHP/MySQLi. This tutorial does not include a good design but will give you an idea of how to create a simple Sign Up form using PHP/MySQLi. The sign-up form that we will create has a validation that returns messages in each field that has a value that hasn't reach the input field requirement such as null values