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Online Public Access Catalog For Library System

Submitted by alpha_luna on

Online Public Access Catalog

If you are looking for Online Public Access Catalog for Library System or it's called OPAC then you are at the right place. We have a full source code for this kind of system Online Public Access Catalog for Library System is for viewing and providing information about books, authors, and category inside the library. This program works to provide the students the information of the book that we're gonna borrow, to know the status of the books inside the Library, and to know if the books are available or not.

How to Create Quick Search using PHP/MySQL with jQuery

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to create Quick Search using PHP/MySQL with jQuery. Search query using PHP/MySQL is a PHP source code that the users enable to quick search in the table. Creating TextBox for the user where they can type their desired word to quick search data and the table with our data in a data table.

Let's Begin

  • Creating Markup
  • Creating Database Connection
  • Creating PHP Script
First, we are going to create our simple HTML source code.

How to Create Search Query using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to create Search Query using PHP/MySQL. Search query using PHP/MySQL is a simple PHP source code that the users enable to search in the table. Creating one TextBox for the user where they enter the desired word to search and the table with our data in a data table as you can see in the image below. Result Here's the source code of the image above.