product information system

Product Information System using VB.NET/MS Access

Submitted by donbermoy on
Hi guys! I want to share with you this Product Information System created by 2nd year ITP students using Visual Basic.NET and MS Access as database. This system was programmed through Visual Studio 2010 and have your crystal reports installed. This system features: - add, edit, delete, search product information - product records - login/logout - user registration - inquiry - stockin for having

Product Information System in PHP/MySQL (Shopping Cart)

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a Simple Product Information System that is capable of adding products with product name, product price, category, sub category, product details. This system can also add image of the product you wanted to add. Then the added products will go to its home tab with its information and images to be the list in shopping cart. Note that this system is not yet complete because i haven't done