php gallery

INSTALIKE: Instagram like responsive photo gallery

Submitted by RobertSoriano on
Introducing INSTALIKE! What is Instalike? Instalike is a responsive instagram like photo gallery that uses foundation framework to be viewable on any device. How to install it? Download wamp or xampp Extract the file to your www(wamp) or htdocs(xampp) folder. Create database db_instalike and import the database included in the file. Edit dbc.php to your database configuration. Happy coding!

Photo Gallery (Edited, with Login and Upload)

Submitted by christophersantos11 on
The Gallery and Upload is Coded by argie.. the Photo Gallery w/jQuery and Image Upload.. i combine that two and with user login/no need database for account.. to upload or add image in your index or gallery.. Link: upload.php to edit your user and pass,,you can edit in login.php default account: User: admin Pass: cris2per database: photos.sql Login Page, Coded by me... hope it helps.. for any

Photo Gallery Using PHP/MySQL and jQuery

Submitted by argie on
This is a simple gallery using php and jquery. In this code you will learn on how to combine php and jquery to create a simple but powerful gallery. This is unique with other gallery out there because this gallery has a database. The image source of this gallery comes from the database. Download this code and try this on your own to see how php and jquery works. Leave comment if you have question