PHP File Handling

Export MySQL Data to CSV and Download It as a ZIP File in PHP Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on


In this tutorial, you will learn How to Export MySQL Data into CSV and Download it as a Zip File using PHP Language. Here, I will show to the steps on how to achieve the said feature for your current or future PHP Projects. The main goal of this tutorial is to give the IT Students or new programmers that are new in PHP Language an idea for exporting data to CSV and zipping files in PHP.

How to Handle File With PHP

Submitted by thusitcp on
In this tutorial you will be learn how to read/ write / append files using php. There are some situations you don’t need store all the information inside databases. Most cases databases applications are not 100% satisfy with the software requirement to maintaining data. Situation like maintaining error log configuration files etc.. Maintaining file are the oldest method of storing data in computer

PHP File Handling: Delete File

Submitted by joken on
In our previous tutorial, we have seen how to write the file and read the file, and we also know how to open a file in an assortment of different ways. At this time we’re going to focus on how to destroy(delete) files. Deleting is too simple but we need to keep two things in mind. 1. Close the file – because we can’t delete the open files 2.