How to Handle File With PHP
Submitted by thusitcp on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 19:40.
In this tutorial you will be learn how to read/ write / append files using php. There are some situations you don’t need store all the information inside databases. Most cases databases applications are not 100% satisfy with the software requirement to maintaining data. Situation like maintaining error log configuration files etc.. Maintaining file are the oldest method of storing data in computer systems. Before start operation, we have to open required file with required permission and also after operation on file we should closed the file.
Following php code shows you how to open files with write permission
Following php code shows how to open file with read permission
Following php code shows how to open files with append permission
You need better understand about file opening mode before do any file operation. There are number of file opening modes available as follows
r – Open files for read mode (file pointer start at the beginning of the file)
w - Open files for read mode ( file pointer start at the beginning of the file if you write something, existing data will be erase. also this function will create new file if file is not exist )
a – Open the file with pointer at end of the file so existing data will be available and writing start at end of file
x – Create file for write only. If file is not exist this will return an error
r+ - Open the file pointer start at beginning of the file for read/write
w+ - Open the file pointer start at beginning of the file , erase the content of the file. If file is not exist, will create new file
a+ - Open the file pointer at end of file so no harm to existing content. This will create new file if the file is not exist
x+ - Create new file for read/ write and return false if file is exist
Then we need to know how to close the file. This is very important because resource used by file pointer remain in memory if we will not close the file
So far you learn how to open file with modes and how to close the file. Now I am going to teach you how to do read/ write/ append operation on file
For writing we are using fwrite() function. Usage of file writing function as follows
sample code contain simple shopping cart coded using file manipulation
- $testFile = "testFile.txt";
- $testFile = "testFile.txt";
- $testFile = "testFile.txt";
Then we are going to learn how to read file content. To read file content we are using fget() function which is return one line of from the file. Also you need to know about feof() function which is checking file has reach the end of content
Following php code shows how to append file with
- $testFile = "testFile.txt";
- $line = "This is my third writing\n";
- fwrite($file_handler, $line);
- $line2 = "This is my forth writing\n";
- fwrite($file_handler, $line2);
- fclose($file_handler);
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
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