Equipment Inventory System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by winex01 on
This is an Equipment Inventory System project that was developed using PHP and MySQL Database. This system was developed for a specific organization to organized and track its equipment. The system has 2 modules which are the Admin and the Users. The Admin is in charge of populating the main list of the system and managing the equipment to easily track the items. Aside from that, the "request for

Laundry Shop Web Application using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by winex01 on
This is a PHP Mini-project called Laundry Shop Web App. This application manages the laundry shop's transactions with their customer. It stores the list of laundry types that the shop's accepting along with its price per kilogram. Then, the application user or the shop's staff will encode also the details of the laundry with the owner's name, laundry's weight, and priority number. Upon saving the

Profiling System For Human Resource Management using PHP/PDO with Source Code

Submitted by umind514 on
This project is called Profiling System For Human Resource Management. This was developed using PHP/PDO, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap for the design. The project was developed for the specific School which is the Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC). The purpose of this system is to keep the records of employees under the Human Resource Department to maintain the private

CASAP Automated Enrollment System using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

Submitted by Yna Ecole on
This is an Automated Enrollment System made by the students of the College of Arts & Sciences of Asia and the Pacific (CASAP). This system was programmed using HTML5, PHP, MySQLi, JavaScript (jQuery and Ajax), CSS, and Bootstrap for the design. The purpose of this project is to provide CASAP an automated enrollment system to ease the process flow of the school and also to be more effective

ecommerce platform PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by janan on
Project: E-Commerce Website using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code Somstore is a fully functional eCommerce Online Sales system that has its own Dashboard design "CPanel" which I have developed in 2014 for my final year University Project. About This online sales system is a kind of shop that evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a business retailer or shopping center; the

Instagram Clone

Submitted by justinwilliam on
The Instagram (Clone) was developed using PHP, PDO and Javascript. I used Bootstrap Framework to have a beautiful and stunning design. This system intended to show you the basic functionalities of the instagram website. The user can Post their story in the wall and edit their account. Features: User (CRUD) Monitor User Login Add Post in the Wall Note: To create an account just go to this page

Quiz Bee

Submitted by Clifford Monte… on
Computerized Quiz bee is a web based automated quiz bee. Both the user and the admin can access the system. The admin takes control of the adding and removing of users, choosing questions that is going to be deploy, removing questions, updating questions and adding questions.