Online Quiz System in PHP

Online Exam System using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

Submitted by Nayem Howlader on
This simple project is entitled Online Exam System. This system was developed using PHP Programming Language. The system is a simple online platform that manages simple exam questions and provides users an online answer sheet. This web application has 2 types of users which are the administrator and the normal users. The administrator user is in charge of managing the questions and choices of each

Online Reviewer System Using PHP/PDO with Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
This online reviewer system is the best for knowledge evaluation and it’s suitable for colleges and universities. This system provides a comprehensive list of all of the reviews that were written by the teacher or admin. It is composed of level questions (easy, moderate, and difficult) and the students have to answer the examination with a time limit. Then, the students can view the result after taking the examination to find out if they have passed it or failed.