Loggin in

Social Networking Site: Improving of Login System using Advance PHP

Submitted by GeePee on
In this tutorial, we will focus on how to improve our PHP code in more dynamic ways using Object Oriented Programming. To start with this application, open first our web directories then look for the index.php file and make a copy of it, and name the old “index.php” into” index_basic.php”. Then inside the includes folder, look for the “member.php” and open it because we’re going to add another static function that will be used during the user authentication.

Social Networking Site: Login Page

Submitted by GeePee on
This tutorial is a continuation of our project called “How to Create a Social Networking Site Tutorial”. At this time we’re going to focus on creating login-logout system in a secure way using session. Logging in or signing in or on is the process by which individual access to a computer system is controlled by identifying and authenticating the user through the credentials presented by the user. To start in this tutorial, let’s create first a new PHP file called “session.php”. Then save it inside the inludes folder.