Intro to JSON-LD: What It Is and How to Use It

Submitted by rems on
Sharing and organizing information on the web is crucial in this modern era. Whether you're a web developer or just someone interested in the online realm, you've probably come across different data formats. One of these formats, JSON-LD, might sound intimidating at first, but it's not as complex as it seems. In this article, we'll provide a simple introduction to JSON-LD, explaining what it is

JSON CRUD Operation in PHP Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on


In this tutorial, you will learn an effective way of Creating a CRUD Operation of JSON File Data in PHP language. This tutorial aims to provide a reference or guide for students or for those who are new to PHP Language to enhance their knowledge and programming capabilities of handling JSON File Data using the said programming language. Here, I have provided a snippets and sample web application's source code that is free to download.

Product CRUD Project with JSON in JavaScript Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Product CRUD Project with JSON in JavaScript Free Source Code - A simple application that integrate the JSON framework to store all the inputted data. It allow the users to retrieve the data by extracting the JSON stringify in which display in the web page. JavaScript Free Source Code.

JSON Formatter Application written in Visual C# Free Source Code

Submitted by nostradamus1566 on
Computers don’t require JSON code to be formatted in order to read it, but humans do. JSON Formatter is a little C# program to format JSON text. You can either paste unformatted JSON text into the textbox, or load in a JSON file on your computer and then select the ‘Format JSON’ option from the file menu. To save the formatted version just copy and paste it into other documents. JSON Formatter was