
Instagram unveils Zoom: Allows You Pinch In To Zoom Photos Or Videos

Submitted by Kurt Lopez on
Instagram unveils its latest feature that will surprise all the netizens from all over the world. As they announced that they will release new feature that will let people get closer, more intimately look at your pictures. In today’s generation, Social media have become prominent parts of life for many young people today. Most people engage with social media without stopping to think what the

Zooming In Instagram Photos, Videos Is Now Achievable For iOS Users

Submitted by Van Ledesma on
While there are those who only utilize their Instagram account to serve as their photo diaries, there are also those people who take a serious note on their accounts. They love photos and don’t just engage into photography during leisure time but take it as a passion and a purpose. Instagram is a big help to photo enthusiasts as it is a world of photos. This photo sharing application allows

IG Update: Explore Tab Now Contains 'Stories' Feature

Submitted by Van Ledesma on
Aside from Facebook and Twitter, Instagram or sometimes abbreviated as Insta or IG has also hooked a lot of users. This is an online photo and video sharing social networking service. Most of the Facebook and Twitter users also has an account in IG. Usually, netizens used their IG accounts as photo diaries. Through the photos they upload in the social networking service, they get to share what

Instagram Status Post

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a instagram status script post in PHP and Javascript. This project creates a post message that you can comment or reply in every statuses that the user posted. And their are features that you will like delete post or you can comment to the other people post and it is real time process of the data so the user will know what day and what time did the user posted or created the status. This project is related to all SNS system that creates and shows the data to other user of that system.

INSTALIKE: Instagram like responsive photo gallery

Submitted by RobertSoriano on
Introducing INSTALIKE! What is Instalike? Instalike is a responsive instagram like photo gallery that uses foundation framework to be viewable on any device. How to install it? Download wamp or xampp Extract the file to your www(wamp) or htdocs(xampp) folder. Create database db_instalike and import the database included in the file. Edit dbc.php to your database configuration. Happy coding!