
Animation Direction in CSS3

Submitted by alpha_luna on
What is animation-direction? The animation-direction property specifies whether or not the animation should play in reverse direction or in alternate cycles. If the animation-direction value is "alternate", the animation played as normal every odd time (1,3,5,etc...) and backwards every even time (2,3,6,etc...). Note: If the animation is set to play only once, this property will have no effect

Animation Delay Property in CSS3

Submitted by alpha_luna on
Let's discuss, what is a animation-delay in CSS3. The animation-delay property specifies when the animation should start. The animation-delay value can be defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms). Syntax of this property: animation-delay: time | initial | inherit ; Property Values: time - it specifies the time (can be a negative number) before the animation begins. This is a time difference