Animation Delay Property in CSS3

Let's discuss, what is a animation-delay in CSS3. The animation-delay property specifies when the animation should start. The animation-delay value can be defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms). Syntax of this property: animation-delay: time | initial | inherit ; Property Values: time - it specifies the time (can be a negative number) before the animation begins. This is a time difference from when the animation is applied to the element. The time may be specified in either seconds (by specifying "s" as the unit) or milliseconds (by specifying "ms" as the unit). If no units are specified, seconds are assumed. (optional) The Defaultvalue is 0. initial - it specifies that the value of the property should be set to the default value inherit - it specifies that the value of the property should be inherited from the parent element Example: I have here an example animation using time difference of 0 seconds, 2 seconds and -2 seconds. See for yourself the difference. CSS3 animation-delay
delay 0s

delay 2s

delay -2s

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