image map

Image Mapping in HTML

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you on how to image map using html. This is easy and simple project. Image mapping has the ability to hyperlink areas of the image to multiple destination. Just like my example, I have one image with with 6 boxes which contains different browser in each box. I set the coords of each box and link to it's preferred destination. The first 2 figures of the coords is the x, y

Online Tax Mapping Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by lea on
This is a tax mapping system programmed using PHP/MySQL. I write this code to help other programmer who found difficulty on creating their own tax mapping system. The feature of this system are the following: - secure login - image map using area tag - popup map details - add/manage land owners details - live search for landowner details - auto calculated tax per parcel of land If you want to view