Hotel management

Best Hotel Management Software |Hotel Management System

Submitted by vaibhav02 on
This Hotel Management System is Best Hotel Management Software Developed using VB.Net as Front end and Sql Server as Back End.This Hotel Management System Includes All The Features Required In Hotel Software. For Example : Reservation Front office Point of Sale( Restaurant,Bar,Room Service,Accounting,Laundry,Inventory,KOT System,House Keeping and Many More) Hotel Billing Software is widely used

Hotel Management System V4.6.0 with integrated Touch screen Restaurant POS

Submitted by Jatin_Zalavadiya on
This Project written in VB.NET as front end and SQL Server 2008 r2 as Back end. New Feauters Added : 1. Email Module added (Support Multiple Servers) 2. Multi Rates for Room 3. Hotel Plan Master 4. Automatically email attachments(Invoices) to Guest in PDF format after Checkout, Reservations, Laundry and Room Services etc. 5. Complete Accounting Reports Added 6. Touchscreen POS Added 7. Takeaway

Hotel Management System Version 4.5

Submitted by Jatin_Zalavadiya on
Main Features are: Master Entries : 1. Hotel Master 2. Hotel Plan Master 3. Currency Master 4. ID Type 5. Guest 6. Room Type 7. Room Master 8. Extra Bed 9. Extra Person 10. Banquet Hall Master 11. Garden Master 12. Food Category 13. Table Master 14. Food Master 15. Liquor Category 16. Liquor Quantity 17.Liquor Master 18. Liquor Pricing 19. Laundry Master 20. Expense Type 21. Expense Master 22.Tax