
LangChain: A New Framework for Developing Large Language Model Applications

Submitted by rems on
Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to bring about a significant transformation in how we create AI applications. They possess the capability to generate text, translate languages, craft diverse forms of creative content, and offer insightful responses to your queries. Nevertheless, working with LLMs can be intricate and challenging, particularly for developers who aren't well-versed

Material Design Frameworks

Submitted by alpha_luna on
Material Design Frameworks In this article, we are going to tackle about Material Design Frameworks. I would like you to know about material design in which programmers and developers are already popular for their websites and Android app. It was developed and introduced by Google Inc. Material Design used to take a good care for the user experience when they used it. It seriously connects with

(Laravel+Bootstrap) Framework Authentication System Plus Blog Post And Read Post

Submitted by ranjit1 on
Install laravel follow the link 13 Best place to learn laravel follow this link In this tutorial you will know how make login,registration,forget password recovery,change password,blog post and read post system with bootstrap.

Laravel plus Bootstrap Framework Authentication system and Blog post& Read

Submitted by ranjit1 on
How to setup Laravel go to In this project i have made Authentication system Plus Blog Post & Read. When you create an account a link will be send to your email address and after clicking that link in your inbox your account will be activated.otherwise you will not be able to login. This can be done through localhost using smtp protocol. if you have any

User Registration and login System in Codeigniter .

Submitted by ranjit1 on
In this tutorial you will be able to know how to make User Registration and login System in Codeigniter . System Requirement to run CI: Xampp server or Wamp server . Any Browser Google chrome,Firefox,Opera,Safari.. etc. Php editor you can use Dreameaver,Notepad,Wordpad if you are using mac you can use textmate, or other compatible with your computer,for me i recommend Dreamweaver to easily fix the

Add,Edit and Delete Using CodeIgniter.

Submitted by ranjit1 on
In this tutorial you will be able to Add,Edit and Delete Data Using CodeIgniter. System Requirement to run CI: Xampp server or Wamp server . Any Browser Google chrome,Firefox,Opera,Safari.. etc. Php editor you can use Dreameaver,Notepad,Wordpad if you are using mac you can use textmate, or other compatible with your computer,for me i recommend Dreamweaver to easily fix the error if they have. This