Employee Records Management System

Employees Information System in VB.NET Free Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
This project is an Employee's Information System in VB.NET and MS Access Database. This application is software-based that stores the information of the employees of a certain company. The information of employees contains the personal information of the employee and some relevant details. About the Employee's Information System This Employee's Information System is made by the 2nd year Bachelor

PSA Employee Management System Using VB.NET and MS Access with Source Code

Submitted by ClydeTiu on
This is an Employee Management System that is developed specifically for PSA ( Philippine Statistics Authority). This project was built using VB.NET and MS Access Database. The program is able to store the PSA's employees with their personal details. It also stores the list of employees that will undergo training. The system has user-friendly functionalities which allow the management to store and

Employees Record System in C# and Bunifu Frameworks with Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
This Modern Flat Design Employee’s Record System is a software-based system that is made of C#, MySQL database, and Bunifu Frameworks. The main goal of this system is to simplify the process of record maintenance of employees and help manage properly the records of every employee in a company. This is a user-friendly system that functions such as tracking employee data, uploading pdf files to an