dropdown menu

Dynamic Dropdown Menu using Bootstrap 4 in CodeIgniter

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a dynamic dropdown menu in CodeIgniter using Bootstrap 4. CodeIgniter is a lightweight PHP framework that uses MVC(model-view-controller) architecture. Bootstrap 4 is currently the latest version of Bootstrap that has several changes than the later version.

How to Create a Dynamic Dropdown Menu using PHP/MySQLi and Bootstrap 4

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a dynamic dropdown menu using PHP with MySQLi-OOP and Bootstrap 4. Currently, the latest version of Bootstrap is 4 and has several changes from the later version. We are going to use Bootstrap 4's nav tag to create our menu where we put dynamic content in the dropdown.

How to Create Dropdown Navigation with jQuery and CSS

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create Dropdown Navigation with jQuery and CSS. This simple work can help you to build a beautiful yet powerful drop down navigation menu in your created page. This work built using nested HTML lists and a help of the jQuery’s plugin like slide down and slide up animations and using CSS.

5 Tutorials of Select Box or Dropdown Plugins

Submitted by alpha_luna on
If you are looking for the tutorials for Select Box or Dropdown Plugins then you are at the right place. As a programmer, we always need a select box or a drop-down menu when we are going to create or to build a program or a site. So, I have a list of 5 Tutorials of Select Box or Dropdown Plugins.

5 Tutorials of Select Box or Dropdown Plugins

1.) Populate Dropdown List Using CodeIgniter

In this code, you’ll learn on how to populate a dropdown list using CodeIgniter.

Simple Dropdown Menu Using Javascript and CSS

Submitted by GeePee on
This tutorial we’re going to create a simple drop-down list using javascript and css. This element or sometimes refers as “widget” or “control” same with a listbox, which allows the user to select one value from a list. Drop-down list or menu provides a hierarchical overview of the subsections contained within the menu item that spawned it. All the subsections within a section of a site when you hover your mouse cursor over it.