
Simple Mapping System using PHP and JQuery

Submitted by jaredgwapo on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn to learn how to make a drag and drop system and save its location. This is a simple project that you can use in your website or system. DIRECTIONS PUT THE LINKS INSIDE YOUR HEAD TAG CSS CODE HTML CODE " style="position: absolute; top: px; left: px; z-index: 9999; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> " id="top" value=""> " id="left" value=""> " style="display: none;"

Drag/Drop and Copy Control in a TreeView Using Visual Basic 2008

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial, I will show you how to drag/drop and copy in a Treeview by using Visual Basic 2008. I made this to show you not only a PictureBox or a TextBox can be drag and drop but also a treeview. Let’s begin: Open Visual Basic 2008, create a new Windows Application and drag the two Treeview in the Form. Name it “trview_left” and “trview_right”. first form After that, click the two Treeviews and go to the properties.

Drag/Drop and Copy Control in Visual Basic 2008

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial I will teach you how to create Drag/Drop and Copy Control using Visual Basic 2008. With this, you can drag and drop the picture that’s inside the Picture box and you can also copy it to another Picture Box by pressing the Ctrl key control. Let's begin: Open Visual Basic 2008, create a new Windows Application and drag the two PictureBoxes in the Form.

Create a Drag and Drop Program in VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
Drag and Drop is a very common feature in VB.NET. It is when you grab an object and drag it to a different location. In VB.NET, drag and drop is part of the standard, and any controls can be draggable. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2. Next, add only one TextBox named TextBox1 and ListBox named ListBox1.