Django Project for Beginners

Simple Membership System in Python using Django Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Simple Membership Management System using Django in Python This simple project is entitled Simple Membership Management System. This is a web-based application developed in Python and Django Framework. This project application provides an automated and online storing or recording of the Organization's Members. The system helps to effectively and efficiently store and retrieve the members' data of

Employee ID Card Generator with QR Code in Django Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Employee ID Card Generator with QR Code using Django in Python This project is entitled Employee ID Card Generator with QR Code. This is a web-based application developed in Python and Django Framework. The project is an online platform for generating the ID Card for the Company's Employees. The ID Card Generated in this system contains also a QR Code of each employees' ID or Code. The system has