
Snake game

Submitted by ellord on
Hi, i'm a student in informatic and I had to correct and improve an original program. Rule : You must eat the purple square to gain point until you eat yourself accidentally. Control : Arrow key Bug correction/Improvement : -Sounds has been completely reworked. -Game doesn't freeze anymore before your snake die. -Look (Alignement, font, text, antialiasing...) Original version : http://www

Microsoft Confirmed Phasing Out of XNA But DirectX is OK

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Microsoft have already confirmed that they have already phased out their Direct X Programs but clarifies that XNA is up and running. According to Promit Roy, the technical lead at the Action Equals Equation Labs, the man who made the first email public announcing that Microsoft Phases our XNA and DirectX. Rumors have already spread among the developers that the DirectX is no longer evolving a