
Hamiltonian Circuit Checking

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
This simple C source code is written in dev-C++ platform, (OS- Win 7). Here, in a given random simple symmetric graph, whether there a Hamiltonian circuit exists or not, is being checked. This is based on the formula: If 2e >= [ (n^2) - 3n + 6 ], then there hamiltonian circuit exits, else not. e & n are the number of edges & vertices respectively here.

Test Whether Two Graphs are Isomorphic or Not

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
Hello, this is a simple C source code, written in dev-C++ platform (OS- Windows 7). This code actually check whether two given graphs are Isomorphic or not. Basically here both graphs are represented by their Adjacency matrix. At first this check whether two graph has equal number of vertices or not, then if they have the same number of edges, then again it is checked that whether they have equal

Complement Graph generation of Simple Symmetric Random graph using C

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
This code generates a Simple symmetric random graph initially & then it also generates the complement graph of that graph. This is written in Dev-C++ platform. Let a simple symmetric random graph is denoted by G, then we say the complement graph will be denoted by G'. Consider G has three vertices (1, 2, 3) & egdes (a, b). a exists between 1 & 2, b exists between 2 & 3. No edge exists between 1 &

Sub-Graph generation of a Random graph

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
This is a simple source code written in C, Dev-C++ software, platform- Windows 7. It generates a Random Simple symmetric graph at first & then generates an arbitrary subgraph from that particular graph. The sub-graph may contain only one vertex of the graph as well as may contain a vertex set & edge set of that graph. Thanks.

Simple Zodiac Sign Using If - Else Statement

Submitted by Jariza Danza Apal on
This is a simple zodiac sign project where the system will tell you of your zodiac sign by inputting of your birth date. This is very easy to do project. Try this yourself and learn some new codes. Hope you learn from this. This is the full source code of the system. #include using namespace std; int main() { int a = 0; int date,month; start: cout > month; cout > date; if (month == 3 && date >= 21