
Random Number Generator in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Some of the systems and applications today are using a Random Number Generator to generate random id number which will be used for their id in the database or let's just say an application by guessing a number. So in this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a program that generates a random number using C#. So, now let's start making this program! 1.

Text Scrolling Up Effect using C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a program that has an effect of scrolling up the text. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application and name your project as Text Scroll Up Effect. 2. Next, add only one Label named Label1 and labeled it as any text.

Draw a Text in a Windows Form in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a program that will draw a text in a windows form using C#. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application and name your project as Draw a Text in Windows Form. 2. Next, add only one Button named Button1 and labeled it as "Draw a Text".

Backspace Button in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a button that has a backspace function. We often click a backspace button in which this button is a keyboard key that display cursor one position backwards and deletes the character at that position, and shifts back the text after that position by one position. So now, let's start this tutorial! 1.

Multiplication Table in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today in C#, I will teach you how to create a program that has the multiplication table functions. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application in C# for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

How To Create a Stopwatch in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a program that has a function of a digital stopwatch. Stopwatch is a timepiece that can be started or stopped for exact timing as of a race or any activity. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

Numbers Only in Textbox using C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today in C#, I will teach you how to create a program that accepts only number input in the textbox. There are many fields in an information that we must only type a number in a textfield or in a textbox such as phone number, zip code, or any fields that must have a number type only. So, now we will begin this filtering a textbox into number only. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.