Covid Vaccination Record Management System in PHP

Design and Implementation of Covid-19 Directory on Vaccination System in PHP Source Code

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
Introduction The aim of the study is to design a COVID-19 information management system that will accurately store and retrieve information on covid-19 vaccination in order to control the spread of the pandemic. This project was developed using PHP Language as the backend and MySQL Database. The application is a web-based platform to verify the vaccination record of the individual online. It

Centralized Covid Vaccination Records System in PHP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a Centralize Covid Vaccination Record System in PHP and MySQL Database. This is a simple web application that is a kind of records and tracking management system. The application stores the covid vaccination details or records of each individual. This can help to easily retrieve the individuals' covid vaccination records. It generates printable details and records of each