Count Days

How to Find the Number of Days Occurs in a Year using Python

Submitted by razormist on

In this tutorial, we will program 'How to Find the Number of Days in a Year.' We will learn how to calculate the total number of days in a given year. The objective is to determine all the possible days in a year, accounting for leap years as well. I will provide a sample program to demonstrate the actual coding process in this tutorial.

Date of Birth Counter Using Javascript

Submitted by jaredgwapo on
In this chapter, You will learn to make a Date of birth counter into days, hours and time. Just follow the tutorial below and download the source code. DIRECTIONS Creating our HTML code Date of birth: You are days old: Plus hours old: Plus minutes old: Creating our javascript code You have now created a date counter that counts days, hours and minutes between the date today and the date you

CharCount, GetFirstWord, SortSentense, CountDays VB.NET

Submitted by FnameLname on
My Job Exam that i Fail because... i am no longer familiar with VB6.0 and i didn't expect it... because i applied for a VB.NET programmer... an Entry-Level... and then they give me that exam, i didn't say anything like... "Why you're giving me this kind of exam? i thought it was a exam? this is not what i'm applying for..." i just keep silence and take the exam because i'm nervous ^_^ So