
Populate Birth Date Dropdown List Using CodeIgniter

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In my previous post I uploaded a source code called “Populate Dropdown List Using CodeIgniter”. In that sample code, I used the country field to populate the value using the helper function.

This time, I’ll show you on how to populate a birth date field with three separate dropdown list.

Here’s the code to call the helper and populate the array with values from our function:

Populate Dropdown List Using CodeIgniter

Submitted by admin on

In this code you’ll learn on how to populate a dropdown list using CodeIgniter. The list will be pulled from the function called “buildCountryDropdown” using helper.

The function is being called from the controller and then passed it to the view.

Here’s the code to call the helper and populate the array with values from our function:

Add/Edit/Delete Using CodeIgniter

Submitted by admin on
In my previous example about Shopping Cart with Checkout Using CodeIgniter, I have a products table but without a product management. In this code sample, you’ll learn how to manage a product with add/edit/delete function using CodeIgniter. BTW, I have change the primary key of the products table from “serial” to “id”. This code is totally a separate project. But you can also learn from our

Shopping Cart with Checkout Using CodeIgniter

Submitted by admin on
This shopping cart is using CodeIgniter framework that allows you to add/update/delete a product from the cart. I am using the database in my previous post as a fixed on the existing shopping cart I found in the internet. This code is totally different from the code at “ How to Build Shopping Cart w/ Checkout in PHP”. It has a cleaner code, secured and most importantly easy to understand. Shopping

User Registration and Form Validation Using CodeIgniter

Submitted by admin on
By using CodeIgniter framework, you’ll learn how easy it is to create a registration form with validation using the form_validation library that is built-in with CodeIgniter. This example demonstrates how to validate every control in your form. One example is the validation of email address. All you have to do is simply specify this argument: valid_email. CodeIgniter will simply look for that

CodeIgniter Tutorial

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What is CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter is a PHP Framework and is lightweight compared to other framework. Its purpose is to help you code faster and teach you how to apply MVC (Model–View–Controller) architecture to separate code from design.

What are the advantages of CodeIgniter?

I can’t tell you all the advantages of using CodeIgniter but the following are most common features of using a framework.

CodeIgniter: Don't Reinvent the Wheel Use the Most Powerful PHP Framework

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
PHP programmers were always on the look out for the most powerful framework at their disposal, and CodeIgniter is one of the few PHP framework that meet the much-needed tools for programmers who are willing and eager to discover something that will enhance their programming skills. The CodeIgniter, a framework developed by EllisLab is one of the most powerful PHP framework built for PHP coders who