Add/Edit/Delete Using CodeIgniter
Submitted by admin on Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 13:25.
In my previous example about Shopping Cart with Checkout Using CodeIgniter, I have a products table but without a product management.
In this code sample, you’ll learn how to manage a product with add/edit/delete function using CodeIgniter.
BTW, I have change the primary key of the products table from “serial” to “id”.
This code is totally a separate project. But you can also learn from our previous example on how to build a complete application with shopping cart with product management.
Visit our CodeIgniter tutorial and learn how to configure it.
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Info about database
first please create a database with name "Products" and then create a table name "Products" in that database.
add fields "id,name,description,price,picture" in products table.
after adding this database,table ,fields this application will work perfectly,
Regards Mani.
i already make database and
i already make database and table, and also fields, after that it only shows like this "Products (Manage)", when i click "Manage" since that's the only things that is clickable, it returns on the the localhost, where wamp server is..why is that so..pls help me..thanks
This is a nice and help full
This is a nice and help full tutorial. could u tell me how to add picture in this project using upload command
not working open localhost
i already make database and table, and also fields, after that it only shows like this "Products (Manage)", when i click "Manage" since that's the only things that is clickable, it returns on the the localhost, where wamp server is..why is that so..pls help me..thanks
Database error Occurred
i got following error
A Database Error Occurred
Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings.
Filename: core/Loader.php
Line Number: 346
wat can i do ? can u help me
Master Detail
I am new to CodeIgniter ( in fact PHP ), I want to build a Master-Detail application ( like Department as Master and Employees as Detail ), I failed to find some examples/samples for it. Can you please inform me about is it possible using Codeigniter? if yes, is there any guide lines or sample/example to learn and achieve it? so please inform and give a link.
thanks with regards.
"product" page
In "manage_products" it states:
"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')"));
*****where is the product/delete in the zip folder? i cant seem to find it.*****
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