Populate Birth Date Dropdown List Using CodeIgniter
Submitted by admin on Monday, January 14, 2013 - 11:02.
In my previous post I uploaded a source code called “Populate Dropdown List Using CodeIgniter”. In that sample code, I used the country field to populate the value using the helper function.
This time, I’ll show you on how to populate a birth date field with three separate dropdown list.
Here’s the code to call the helper and populate the array with values from our function:
- $this->load->helper('birthdate');
- $this->data['birth_date_year'] = buildYearDropdown('birth_date_year', $this->input->post('birth_date_year'));
- $this->data['birth_date_month'] = buildMonthDropdown('birth_date_month', $this->input->post('birth_date_month'));
- $this->data['birth_date_day'] = buildDayDropdown('birth_date_day', $this->input->post('birth_date_day'));
And this is how you pass the value from the controller to the view:
- echo $birth_date_day;
- echo $birth_date_month;
- echo $birth_date_year;
Please see attached file.
To download the framework please visit Getting Started With CodeIgniter.
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