
Simple Hotel Customer Information Admin Using CodeIgniter

Submitted by Guigabytez on
This is a simple Customer Information Admin page where you can add new customer, edit, search , delete and view customer information. This is done using PHP with framework codeIgniter 3.0.3 and jquery. This is good for those who are learning codeIgniter framework. For more information, please contact me via: Email : [email protected] or [email protected] Mobile : +639462377049 or sourcecodester

Neko Simple CMS using CodeIgniter

Submitted by novhz94 on
Project Description: Recently I created a simple CMS using CodeIgniter (PHP) and MySQL as database driver.This is my first CodeIgniter project since i started using this framework. In this CMS you can add pages dynamically and add articles on it. NekoCMS also features change of theme using provided CSS files. You can share your posts in Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus

Member Application CodeIgniter

Submitted by gamma on
Applications with features indispensable members in the development, I try to give a simple example in the manufacture of the member login registration application. This application is built using the CodeIgniter framework, with MVC and OOP concepts. Hope it will be useful to you in finding a complete reference learn Codeigniter. Regards. Gamma EMail: [email protected] http://sourcecode-ta

How To Create Login Using CodeIgniter

Submitted by GeePee on
This project is a simple login using CodeIgniter and MySQL. It has the option to create an account or directly log in if you already have an account. I have a hard time doing this because this is my first time using CodeIgniter. But compared to the standard PHP, this minimizes the amount of code used on a certain task. For beginners like me, you must see the CodeIgniter Tutorial first for you to

User Registration and login System in Codeigniter .

Submitted by ranjit1 on
In this tutorial you will be able to know how to make User Registration and login System in Codeigniter . System Requirement to run CI: Xampp server or Wamp server . Any Browser Google chrome,Firefox,Opera,Safari.. etc. Php editor you can use Dreameaver,Notepad,Wordpad if you are using mac you can use textmate, or other compatible with your computer,for me i recommend Dreamweaver to easily fix the

How to Display Error Message in CodeIgniter

Submitted by admin on
In this tutorial, I will explain on how to you can display error messages using CodeIgniter into your View from a Controller. There are two kinds of approach of doing this. First, passing the data directly from Controller to View. Second, using flashdata. This code is useful, for example, if you have a shopping cart application.