
Methods and Constructors

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome, this tutorial will teach you about Constructors and Methods in Java. What is a 'Method'? A method is a block of script which performs for a purpose. The use of methods is to avoid re-writing the same scripts over and over again because instead, you are able to use the same method every time you need to run that particular script. Methods normally return a value once ran but can run without returning anything. Methods can be custom created by the programmer or they can be built in to Java...


Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome to `Basic Syntax` for Java beginners. This tutorial will teach you the correct format your code should be in as well as what some syntax related errors mean and how they may occur. What is Syntax: Syntax is the arrangement or format of your code. The way your code is laid out will not generally affect the performance of your program.

Should Everyone Learn How to Code?

Submitted by anthea on
That question is related to the recent announcement of United States of America President Barack Obama during the "Computer Science Education Week," as he said, young generation should learn how to code, as he believed that through learning in the hours of code, young ones could be able to help augment the scarcity of their society specifically in terms of its economic status, as he added, "If we

Learn to Code by Breaking Someone Else Code

Submitted by anthea on
In order to break other's code, there are tips given by Nick Pettit which he set as an example for the Treehouse blog which made for those who aim to learn 3D programming in the browser as well as Testing a line in a Java script, Three.js According to the article at lifehacker, you will learn how to code by just simply breaking someone's code. An code example that uses three.js to create a light

Reasons Why A Clean Code Matters A Lot

Submitted by Saad Arif on
As a coder/ programmer, you already know the importance of writing a clean code but have you ever thought why a clean code really matters? Well the points discussed below will not only give you a clear insight about the importance of clean code structure but you will also start writing your codes in a cleaner manner after this. You Are An Author You are not just a programmer but you are the author

How To Review A Code In Better Way

Submitted by Saad Arif on
In programming world, when one code is written by a programmer, it is then reviewed by another programmer to find any bugs. This practice ensures that the ethical coding standards are used while writing a program and there is nothing wrong with the end product. However, many programmers find it difficult to review codes and that is because, they don’t have any set standards. We will give you a

Developer Convicted Of “Like Hacking” Charge – Computer Seized By Idaho Court

Submitted by Saad Arif on
An interesting news has emerged from Idaho where a local court ordered to seize the computer of a developer, who said in one of his statements that he likes hacking. This statement was not given by the developer to anyone or in the court but the same words were written on his website. The name of the developer is Corey Thuen and as per the order released by Idaho court last week, the computer of

Teaching Initiatives Bring Coding to Forefront

Submitted by jproimakis on
A couple of teaching initiatives have made headlines, with non-profit aiming to reach 10 million US students with its Hour of Code program, while General Assembly is offering free online web development courses through Dash. is aiming to celebrate this year’s Computer Science Education week (Dec. 9-15) by reaching millions of students in 50 different States of the USA, spreading

Reverse Engineering: Learn to Code by Breaking Code

Submitted by jproimakis on
Reverse Engineering is the process of learning the mechanical or technological principles of a device, object, or system through analysis of its structure, function and operation. Basically, it’s figuring out how stuff works by taking them apart, a concept that can also be applied to coding with great results, as Treehouse points out. Do you remember yourself as a kid, unscrewing the lid of that