Check an year for leap year

How To Create Leap Year Checker Using JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on
If you are looking for on How To Create Leap Year Checker Using JavaScript then you are at the right place. This simple program will ask the user to type a year in the textbox then the program will give you a message alert if the given year is a leap year or not. We all know that leap year occurs only every four years.

Sample C Questions

Submitted by deepak.gupta1501 on
The Folder contains 34 C Programs including : Armstrong number between 1 to 500, Calculate Profit and Loss, Check an year for leap year, Check whether a number is odd or even, Check whether a triangle is valid or not, Compare 'Area and Perimeter' of Rectangle, Convert Decimal number into its binary equivalent, Delete an element from an array at a particular position, Display ASCII value for a