c++ tutorial

C++ Tutorial: Math class in C++/CLI. Function calculator

Submitted by Bright777 on
   In this tutorial we are going to talk about Math class in Visual C++/CLI and we will use such methods : Math::Sin (computes sine), Math::Cos(computes cosine), Math::Tan (computes tangent). And also we will write a simple program, which computes some math functions. Preparation    First of all you need to create a new Windows Forms Application project and prepare your main form for coding. In this program should be one Text Box, four Radio Buttons, two Labels and one Button Control.

C++ Tutorial: Using a Link Label Control in C++/CLI

Submitted by Bright777 on
   In this tutorial I am going to show you one more control – Link Label. This control is little similar to Label Control – it represents text. But if you click on the text of Link Label control you can go to a specific location, for example to the page in the internet. In the program of this tutorial we will make an opportunity for user to choose the browser and the page to surf the World Wide Web. Preparation    First of all you need to create a new Windows Forms Application project. Prepare main form by dragging controls on it.

C++ Tutorial: Multiplication Checker. Random in C++/CLI

Submitted by Bright777 on
   Today we will talk about random numbers in C++/CLI. Also I will show you a simple program, where I have used random numbers generator. First of all I should tell some words about the program. The main purpose of it will be to check your math knowledge in multiplication. It will generate two random numbers and you should multiply them and write the result. If the result is correct, program will show you the message “Correct”.

C++ Tutorial: Status Strip Control in C++/CLI

Submitted by Bright777 on
   Today we are going to talk about such component in Visual Studio 2012 as Status Strip. With component is mostly situated at the bottom of the main form and it shows progress of some event, warnings, errors or other additional information. In today’s program we will use this component. Preparation    You need to create new Windows Forms Application project. Then drag Status Strip component on the form and will be added to the project.

C++ Tutorial: Simple Text viewer

Submitted by Bright777 on
   The program for today is text viewer. It works this way – you click on a button, then you choose a file with *.txt extension, after that you click “Open” and you can see all file in your main form. For coding this program we will use Borland C++ Builder 6. Preparation    First of all create new application. On the main form put such controls as Button, Rich Edit control and OpenFile Dialog. After you have done that you need to configure properties of Rich Edit control.

C++ Tutorial: Make Simple Picture Viewer

Submitted by Bright777 on
   In this tutorial we will make a simple program called “Picture viewer”. This program will open a selected picture or image and it will be shown on the main form of the program. In the process of coding of this program we will use Open File Dialog component and Picture box component. Preparation    First of all you need to create a new “Windows Forms Application” project. Then you need to put a Picture box component and Button component on the form. After that you also need to add Open File Dialog to the project.

C++ Tutorial: Change the Color and the Font of the Label

Submitted by Bright777 on
   In previous tutorial we have changed the background color of our main form. Today we are going to continue learning Dialog components. In this tutorial we will change the font of the label using Font dialog component and the color of the text using Color Dialog, which we used in previous tutorial. Preparations    The view of form is very simple. It consists of a label control and two button controls. First button will modify the font of the label and the other will modify the foreground color of the same label.

C++ Tutorial: Change the back color of the form using Color Dialog component

Submitted by Bright777 on
   In this tutorial we will learn some useful things about Color Dialog component in C++/CLI and make some practice. We will write a simple program, which will change the back color of the main form of our application. Also we will do some magic with buttons of this dialog :). So, let`s begin. Preparations    First of all you need to start a new Windows Forms Application project and put on it control called button. Then find the Color Dialog control. It situated in the group of controls called “Dialogs” and drag it on the form.

C++ Tutorial: Animate Your Controls

Submitted by Bright777 on
   Hi. It is Bright777 and today we are going to play a little with animation in Visual C++. Also we will learn new control, called Picture Box Control and will use the old one – Timer Control. The program will be very simple and interesting. So if you are ready let’s begin. Intro    Picture Box control is used to display pictures in your application. It can be added to your program like others – just drag it on your form and then select picture in the properties.