
File Upload with an Expiring and SEO Friendly Download Link in PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Mr.Niemand03 on
This simple project/web app is a File Upload with an Expiring and SEO Friendly Download Link. This code is just a simple implementation of encrypting true links to protect them from direct downloaders. In this way, you can ensure that the users visit your website first before getting the file they want. The web application has a simple form that allows the user to upload a file or document in the

Using Base64 Encryption for PHP APIs

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to use encryption to transfer data securely, or at least more seucrely than plain text, from a Visual Basic application (or other source) to a PHP API. Why Cryptography? Cryptography should be used for all sensitive information being used in public release applications, or if the data is sent cross-networks.